Guidelines for Project Proposals
A technical proposal, often called a "Statement of Work,” is a persuasive document. Itsobjectives are to
1. Identify what work is to be done
2. Explain why this work needs to be done
3. Persuade the reader that the proposers (you) are qualified for the work, have a plausible
management plan and technical approach, and have the resources needed to complete the
task within the stated time and cost constraints.
What makes a good proposal? One attribute is appearance. A strong proposal has an
attractive, professional, inviting appearance. In addition, the information should easy to access.
A second attribute is substance. A strong proposal has a well-organized plan of attack. A strong
proposal also has technical details because technical depth is needed to sell your project.
Remember: A proposal is a persuasive document.
Required Format
Format consists of the layout and typography of a document. In formatting yourproposal, use the guidelines in Table 1. A template to produce your proposal exists at the
following web page:
One aspect of layout is the incorporation of illustrations. In your proposal, each
illustration should have a name and be formally introduced in the text. Illustrations consist of
figures and tables. Figures include photographs, drawings, diagrams, and graphs. Each figure
should have a stand-alone caption, and the key points and features should be labeled. Tables
are arrangement of words and numbers into rows and columns. Use tables to summarize lists
that the audience will try to find later (the budget, for instance).
Table 1. Format guidelines for requested proposal.
Aspect Description
Font for headings Boldface serif or sans serif: size in accordance with hierarchyFont for text portion 12-point serif such as Times New Roman or Book Antiqua
Margins Standard, at least 1 inch
Layout One column, single-sided
Paragraphing Indented paragraphs, no line skip between paragraphs in a section
Page number Bottom centered
Figure names Numbered: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so forth
Figure captions Below figure in 10 point type
Table names Numbered: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and so forth
Table headings Above table in 12 point type
* Adapted from Guidelines at the Penn State Learning Factory:
As given in the proposal template, your proposal should have the following sectionsand headings:
Title Page
a. Title of project in initial capital letters
b. The sponsoring company and contact person’s name and information
c. Team name and individual member names
d. Date
e. An appropriate picture of the product, a team logo, or both
Executive Summary
Content: A brief summary of the proposal
Length: one-third to one-half page, never more than one page
Emphasis: highlighting of the proposed technical and management approach
Table of Contents
Statement of Problem: the “Why?”
Summary of the request by the sponsor (the original problem statement)
Brief description of company and their business
Relevance or importance of problem
Background information to educate the reader
Previous related work by others—literature review with credible sources
Patent search, if applicable
Detailed problem description, as you now understand it
Objectives: the “What?”
In the Objectives section, you translate the customer’s quantitative and qualitative needs
into clear, objective design specifications. Define the scope of work and clearly state the project
objectives, including the following:
a. Design specifications in specific, quantitative terms. For example, “The plate must be
rotated three times at a speed of between 1 and 3 rev/s” or “Control the temperature of a 1
liter non-insulated standard glass beaker of water to 37.5 ± 0.5oC for three hours without
temperature deviation.”
b. Critical design issues, constraints, limitations.
Technical Approach: the “How?”
Although you may not know all the details of the problem solution, you should know a
first design on how you will attack the problem, and you should have some design concepts.
The purpose of this section is to present the process by which you will arrive at the final answer.
This section answers the following questions:
1) What are the steps in the design process? (Describe and use the nine-step model from
Chapter 1 of Hyman’s text)
2) What are the benefits and advantages of employing a structured approach to design?
3) How will you generate solution concepts?
4) How will you analyze the performance of your solution?
5) How will you decide on the best alternative?
Specific recommendations for this section include the following:
a. First, describe your overall design process in general terms. A one-page synopsis of Chapter
1 in the Hyman text would be appropriate here.
b. Provide at least three possible solution alternatives and document your methodology to
choose the best alternative. Include illustrations such as Figure 1. Try to be as inclusive and
creative as possible with your ideas. Strive to achieve at least one non-conventional or “out
of the box” alternative.
c. List and describe all the analytical, or computational tools you will employ to analyze your
design, such as ProEngineer®, SolidWorks®, MathCAD, and MATLAB.
d. List and detail all the experimental procedures you will
use to test your design concepts.
e. Evaluate your alternatives based on how well they
satisfy the design specifications. Explain the selection
criteria by which you will evaluate design
alternatives in specific, quantitative terms, such as
cost, weight, reliability, ease of use, and ease of
manufacture. A matrix table can clearly illustrate this
f. If possible at this time, rank your solution concepts
and list the pros and cons of each. At minimum, state
what further information or additional work is
needed in order to arrive at a final solution
g. If any solution is totally unfeasible (or may have been Figure 1. SolidWorks® model of a
tried before), state the reason for its elimination. Manual filter wheel with C-Mount
Project Management: “How and When?”
The Project Management section describes how the project will be managed, including a
detailed timetable with milestones. Specific items to include in this section are as follows:
a. Description of task phases (typical development tasks: Planning, Concept Development,
System-Level Design, Detailed Design, Testing and Refinement, Production)
b. Division of responsibilities and duties among team members
c. Timeline with milestones: Gantt chart (see Figure 2 for an example). The following are
required elements of your Gantt chart:
i. Project duration is from the date your project is assigned to the completion date:
25th April
ii. Each milestone is to be labeled with a title
iii. Schedule all tasks not just “Design” or “Testing.” Break this schedule down to
specific assignments.
iv. Each task is to be labeled with a title and person or persons assigned to the task.
v. Subdivide larger items so that no task is longer than about one week
vi. Link tasks which are dependent on the completion of a previous task.
vii. Continue to update your schedule throughout your project. This tool is important
for organizing and viewing the progress of your project.
viii. Where possible, avoid a serial timeline (one task at a time, which must be
completed before next task can proceed).
Figure 2. Example of a Gantt Chart.
The culmination of the proposal negotiation with your sponsor will be a completed
“Deliverables Agreement.” In this section, provide a detailed description of what you are
providing and when you will provide it. Be as specific as possible. Possible items include
Detailed design drawings (specify Computer Aided Design format)
Physical prototype
Scale model
Engineering analysis (Finite Element Analysis, MATLAB, etc.)
Economic analysis (return on investment calculations)
Detailed description of test procedures
Data from experiments
Computer program code, flowchart, documentation
Circuit diagrams
User-friendly instructions including training for personnel
Budget: “How Much?”
Provide your best estimate of how project funds will be spent for your first design. For
an example, see Table 2. The sponsor will allow for only this amount. At this time, you need to
know the details for your initial design. You can divide up your budget into some major
categories, such as equipment, materials, supplies, shipping (if Hershey), and Learning Factory
costs (that is, for the computerized numerical control, rapid prototyping, etc). Remember: You
are spending sponsor dollars and the sponsor needs to see that the money is spent wisely. If
additional funds or resources are needed from your sponsor compared to their original “request
for proposals,” ask for them here but justify the request.
1. Be as exact as you can but estimate slightly higher for shipping. For any quantities, add an
additional 10–20% for error.
2. Read all ordering requirements for each company. Some companies have a minimum
order amount so you need to be aware of this in advance.
3. You’ll need to have all (100%) your items ordered and reconciled by the week before spring
break for your first design.
4. Additional funds will not be released after this day without written justification for the
deviation (that is, why do you need to go with your alternate choice? What went wrong
with the first design?).†
Table 2: Requested items and funds for initial design.
Item Supplier Catalog No# Quantity Unit Price Total
Vacuum Pump McMaster Carr IJ-60825 1 $183.47 $188.72
Flow Pump Northern Tool CJX-689 1 $139.99 $156.62
Water Filter Whirlpool Lowe's Hardware WHER25 1 $33.73 $33.73
23/32" Plywood 4'x8' Lowe's Hardware none 1 $24.95 $24.95
4" Ondine Rainmaker 129808 1 $19.99 $37.86
Acrylic Tubing 5' (OD 8") McMaster Carr 8486K626 1 $236.70 $250.95
"8" Flange (13" OD) McMaster Carr KD-ERW 1 $44.24 $44.24
Total $737.07
Communication and Coordination with Sponsor
Specify the interaction with your sponsor:
a. Establish communication schedule and the responsibilities of each participant. See the
syllabus for exact dates of progress report, mid-semester presentations, final-presentations,
Showcase, etc.
b. Establish the form of communication (visits, weekly updates, conference calls,
c. Specify who will receive information and how it will be transmitted.
d. Clearly state what actions are requested with each communication: information only, reply
requested, etc.
Special Topics
Define any sponsor specific items, such as the handling of confidential information, and
loan and return of equipment.
Team Qualifications: the “Who?”
a. In a paragraph for each person, establish the team qualifications for the project. Highlight
any specific job or course experiences that are relevant to the project.
b. Include a one-page resume of each team member in the Appendix. Do not include your
† If your first approach has problems you should be ready to switch to your alternate. To do this switch,
you will need to submit a revised “Full Proposal.”
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